
Matthew 7:15-27
Hear & Act

Small Group Guide:  Hear & Act

Opening Prayer

Bible:  Matthew 7:15-27

Key Takeaways:

  1. Faith is not just a noun, but a verb - it's about actively following Jesus.
  2. Our actions define us and shape the world around us.
  3. Hearing Jesus' teachings without acting on them can harm both ourselves and others.
  4. Grace is always available, and even small actions can make a difference.
  5. Practicing "faithing" in daily life builds a strong foundation for facing bigger challenges.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What stood out to you most from the sermon? Why?
  2. Pastor Amy says, "Faith is following Jesus." How does this perspective change your understanding of faith?
  3. Can you share an example of a time when your actions (or inactions) impacted your community, either positively or negatively?
  4. How do you feel about the idea that our fruit (actions) defines us more than our beliefs or religious labels?
  5. Bad fruit can give people the wrong impression of God. Have you ever witnessed or experienced this? How can we prevent this?
  6. What are some "mundane" ways we can practice following Jesus in our daily lives?
  7. How does the concept of repairing relationships being 'more powerful than getting it right the first time' impact your approach to conflict and reconciliation?
  8. What "faith muscles" do you feel you need to strengthen? How can you start building those?

Practical Applications:

  1. This week, choose one teaching from Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount and intentionally practice it in your daily life. Journal about your experiences.
  2. Write “no injustice here” on an index card and put it somewhere that you will see it most days this week (office, bathroom, car, etc.)  Let it remind you that when you feel overwhelmed by all of the needs in the world, your job is to follow Jesus in your immediate surroundings.
  3. Look for opportunities to show compassion to people your community might think of as “others.”  Notice how it feels to do so.

Closing Prayer:

God of action, you hear our cries and you move toward us.  In the same way, help us to listen to Jesus and then to boldly follow him with our whole lives, that we might create a beloved, just, and compassionate community together.  Amen.