
Matthew 6:7-15

Small Group Guide:  Forgiveness

Opening Prayer

Bible:  Matthew 6:7-15

Key Takeaways:

  1. Forgiveness is a central theme in the Lord's Prayer and Jesus' teachings.
  2. Forgiving others and receiving God's forgiveness are interconnected.
  3. Forgiveness is about releasing debts and removing barriers in relationships.
  4. Forgiveness doesn't mean ignoring wrongdoing but creates space for healing and growth.
  5. Our capacity to forgive is linked to our ability to love and experience God's love.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What stood out to you most from the sermon? Why?
  2. How does understanding forgiveness as "debt cancellation" change your perspective on forgiving others?
  3. Discuss the statement: "We can't truly live into our freedom while we are holding onto the chains around somebody else's ankles." What does this mean to you?
  4. Pastor Amy distinguishes between forgiving and enabling harmful behavior. How can we forgive while still maintaining healthy boundaries?
  5. In what ways does holding onto unforgiveness act as a barrier in our relationships with others and with God?
  6. How might viewing forgiveness as 'tearing down walls' rather than 'forgetting wrongs' change our approach to reconciliation?
  7. How can we cultivate a spirit of forgiveness that, like God's forgiveness, invites reflection and repentance without making it a prerequisite?

Practical Applications:

  1. This week, identify one person you need to forgive. Spend time in prayer, asking God to help you release any "debt" you feel they owe you.
  2. Reflect on areas where you might need forgiveness. Take steps to apologize or make amends where necessary.
  3. When we pray "Your kingdom come, Your will be done," we're inviting God's reign into our everyday lives. This means embodying love, justice, and peace in our interactions and decisions. Today, pause and consider: How can you bring a piece of God's kingdom to your workplace, home, or community? It might be through an act of kindness, speaking up against injustice, or fostering peace in a conflict. Remember, building God's kingdom starts with small, faithful actions in our daily lives.

Closing Prayer:

God of grace, you forgive us without a second thought, and love us long before we have a chance to repent.  Give us the strength, compassion, and courage to extend this grace and forgiveness to others, not because it erases the past, but because it is the only way into a peaceful future.  In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen