The Service Team at Good Shepherd is dedicated to sharing God’s love by demonstrating our Christian faith and serving the local and global community. Our mission is to utilize Good Shepherd’s spiritual gifts and financial resources to address the physical, social, emotional, and spiritual needs of others, especially those in greatest need.

Service Team

Monthly Meetings
We typically meet on the first Monday or Tuesday of each month in Room 205. Each meeting focuses on a monthly theme, which guides the selection of recipients for benevolence fund disbursements.

Activities & Opportunities
The Service Team also organizes various service-related activities within the church. We are always seeking new members to join us in supporting this impactful ministry.

Get Involved!
If you feel called to help us serve others, please consider joining our team. For more information, contact the church office at 636-391-6685.

Feed the Need STL
“If one of your countrymen becomes poor and is unable to support himself among you, help him as you would an alien or a temporary resident, so he can continue to live among you.” – Leviticus 25:35

Each year we raise funds for our FMSC MobilePack where kids and adults work together to hand-pack nutritious FMSC MannaPack™ meals specifically designed to improve the lives of undernourished children around the world. Food packing takes place in two-hour shifts, with adults and children (ages 5 and up) filling bags at workstations. Contact Bob Debolt

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LifeWise STL

LifeWise STL is Good Shepherd’s newest local service ministry partner. GSLC supports the mission of LifeWise STL in various ways throughout the year. Contact Sonia Francis

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Mission Garden

Our community garden is located just off the south parking lot. The produce that we pick from the garden supplies food for hungry people in the area. The volunteers fertilize, plant, weed, water, pick the vegetables, and clean up the garden for the season. The garden is a ministry of Good Shepherd in order to share the bounty God provides us with those who are in need. It is also an educational ministry for the preschool children and for the congregation that we might see how our food is grown and participate in that process. The use of straw-bales for planting and compost has been a great success so far, and it still feels like cutting-edge experimentation in the science of gardening. You are always welcome to participate and be a gardener.

Contact Laura McCommis to learn more.

ELCA World Hunger

Good Shepherd supports ELCA World Hunger through the Good Gifts program every Advent by purchasing farm animals to help people move from poverty to sustainability

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Thanksgiving Meals

Each year Good Shepherd members donate food and funding to supply Thanksgiving meals for families in need. Good Shepherd partners with Wings of Love and Care Center in South St. Louis. 

Project Boomerang

Members create blank greeting cards for the military to encourage the deployed to stay connected with family and friends.