Our Stephen Ministry is made up of lay people (called Stephen Ministers) who have been equipped to provide Christian care to individuals in our congregation and community who are having difficulties in their lives.

While our pastors continue to provide pastoral care, our Stephen Ministers multiply caring ministry by extending ongoing, one-to-one care for more people in need—both members and non-members. The names of those who receive care and their circumstances are kept private and confidential.

We all experience challenges in life and times when we could benefit from the support of a caring Christian friend. Stephen Ministers are ready to help when crises or difficulties strike such as these:

Loss of a loved one | Hospitalization | Divorce or separation | Aging | Loneliness or discouragement | Spiritual crisis | Unemployment or job crisis | Terminal illness | Incarceration | Birth, adoption, miscarriage, or infertility | Chronic illness | Relocation | Recovery after an accident or disaster | and many more

Below is a short video with people who have received care from a Stephen Minister talking about what receiving care from a Stephen Minister has meant to them
A Stephen Minister is…
  • A child of God who walks beside a person who is hurting.
  • A congregation member with a gift for caregiving, who has been carefully selected to serve in this role.
  • A lay person who has received 50 hours of training in providing emotional & spiritual care and who continues to be supervised and supported to provide the best possible care.
  • A caring Christian friend who listens, prays, supports, and encourages.
  • Someone who will be there, faithfully meeting with a person for about an hour each week, as long as needed.

A Stephen Minister will meet with you privately—by phone, by video chat, or, if safely possible, in person—to offer care and support.  If you are interested, please contact Pastor Varinia at 636-391-6685.

Good Shepherd’s Current Stephen Ministers:

Urb Molitor
Robin Spence
Jon Fatzinger
John Webb
Jan Thompson
Viki Longfield
Laura Okimi
Cindy Kraft, Administrator