Newsletter Summary - October 2024
Theme Verse: "I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth." (1 Corinthians 3:6)
Key Highlights:
Stewardship Campaign 2024:
- Focuses on generosity and transparency for 2025.
- Kickoff: October 13; Commitment Sunday: November 3.
- New approach includes donor-specific communication and clear goals.
Guatemala Intergenerational Mission Trip 2025:
- Partnering with Tree 4 Hope to support Hope Academy and Hogar Miguel Orphanage.
- Informational meeting: October 20.
- Trip dates: June 21-29, 2025; open to 6th graders through adults.
Hospitality and Community:
- Emphasis on creating a welcoming church environment.
- Encouragement to deepen connections through “Radical Hospitality.”
- Welcoming new members this month.
Upcoming Events:
- Weekly services: Saturday (5 PM casual), Sunday (9 AM traditional, 11 AM contemporary).