Altar Guild

Altar Guild members care for the altar paraments, candles, and communion supplies that accompany worship.  They ensure that the sanctuary is physically ready for worship.

Communion Servers

God’s grace and forgiveness are found in the Sacrament of the Altar.  Servers help the worshiper to partake of this Holy Meal.


Greeters provide the warm welcome that lets all worshipers know that they are God’s children and are valued as brothers/sisters in Christ.  Greeters are front-line ambassadors of God’s love to those who come to Good Shepherd for worship.

Scripture Readers

Readers proclaim God’s Word to us at all worship services.  The public reading of scripture helps us to define who we are and what we believe as followers of Christ.


These members greet at the sanctuary doors, hand out the bulletins, collect the offertory, and are responsible for assuring the worship service is dignified, reverent, and well-organized.


We have many opportunities to enhance and share worship through video, live-streaming, and audio mixing.

To sign up or learn more contact Andrew Leach

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