Discuss and learn about the bible through this Sunday morning study. 10:10am | Room 205 Contact: Robin Spence
Sunday Morning Topical Class
Discussions and teaching on various topics about our Christian faith and service. 10:10am | Room 214. Contact: John Webb
Parent Fellowship Group
Discussions relevant to parenting and faith. 10:10am | Room 108. Contact: John Baluka or Tracy Sims
All Anew Women’s Bible Study
Meets 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00pm in room 150. Contact: Kim Sherwood
Women’s Lectio Divina
Women’s bible study and prayer in the pattern of Lectio Divina. Meets Monday evenings at 7:30pm. Contact: Kathy Busch
Rebekah Circle
Women’s fellowship and bible study group using the WELCA resource, “Gather” Magazine. Meets the third Wednesday of the month at different homes. Contact: Jane Wagner
Wednesday Prayer Ministry
Gather with Pastor Varinia and others to pray for those on our prayer list, our ministries, and more. 10:00am | Fireside Room. Contact: Pastor Varinia Espinosa
Men’s Bible Breakfast
Join us for coffee, fellowship, and inspiring discussion. Thursday mornings at 6:15-7:15am at Panera Bread (St. Louis Bread Co.)Town and Country – Clayton Village at 14123 Clayton Rd. Contact: Bill Talbot