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"Wrapped in Love" 

Karl epitomizes the term “Cradle Lutheran” - baptized at Good Shepherd by Pastor Tom, he spent his childhood growing up at church. During his preschool days in the Building Blocks program, older members would offer him a welcoming lap, and throughout his middle and high school years in SHINE and Fellowship of Lutheran Youth, they continued to provide him with open arms of embrace. The community of Good Shepherd has always made Karl feel wrapped in love by his home congregation.  

Karl, who says he has an “unusually high” involvement in church activities, gravitated towards the Music Ministry program at GSLC. “Concerning the music program at Good Shepherd, I really credit all the opportunities to make music with the church as some of the first and most critical opportunities that I had to grow in community.” He continues, “I've also learned a lot about faith through the music that we choose to include in worship. Everything from traditional 'red-book' hymns to VBS classics to contemporary worship literature has a place in our worship of Christ, and I've grown up performing all of it through Good Shepherd, as has the rest of my family.”  

An accomplished trumpeter, Karl’s love of music led him to the University of Kentucky where he is studying business management with a minor in music. While at college, Karl has leaned into the faith community on campus. Conversations with students of other faiths has helped him clarify his beliefs, beliefs that were planted by his parents and nurtured by those around him at Good Shepherd. And while his current schedule may keep him away from GSLC on more weekends than he would like, he recognizes that his contributions of time and prayer are acceptable gifts during this season of life. It also means that when he is able to get back to St. Louis, slipping into the sanctuary truly means “coming home.”  

Each fall, Good Shepherd’s Mission Sewing Team sends our college age students off to school with a blanket. Four years after receiving his blanket, Karl still has it on his bed at school. He said, “The blanket that sits on my bed is easily one of the most concrete reminders of my Good Shepherd family, as it not only is a literal source of comfort through my college years, but it is also a physical reminder that the people who prayed over me when I received that blanket are always with me, not to mention all of the incredible community that raised me throughout my years at church.” 

The College Outreach Team also sends letters and care packages to students throughout the academic year. Karl mentions that he “looks forward to receiving every college care package, not just for the great goodies, but especially for the reminder of home and for all my people who are still thinking of me.” He adds that, “especially in the fall and winter, when it can get especially hard to be away from home, the care packages are a really concrete way to feel connected and brings me a lot of joy." 

Good Shepherd is blessed to have programs that care for and reach out to every age and stage of life. As our teenage brothers and sisters venture out on their own, we have many opportunities to connect with them and remind them they are loved. For details on how to be involved in the Mission Sewing Team or the College Outreach Team, contact Pastor Amy. Karl’s story is just one example of how your generosity has impacted so many students over the years, reminding them they are always welcome back at Good Shepherd and are always wrapped in our love.